Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Trip to the Dentist

I had a dentist appointment this morning, and decided Mariko was old enough to tag along.

She did really well for her first visit. Got up and stretched once, but put herself back down. I think she did very well for her first time! You rock Mariko.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sleeps So Funny

As I was cleaning out pictures, decided the best post for this week would be how Mariko sleeps.

No words required, except for me to say she is a constant source of laughter around our house.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Another Week Gone

Oh my, weeks with this goofy puppy just seem to fly by :-( Mariko turned 10 months old last week. Where does the time go? I can't believe we have had her for 8 months already.

We decided, since the weather is starting to turn cold, that one more trip in the motorhome was in order. We headed out on Friday (not soon enough for the dogs; however, as they were ready long before Joe and I were) and went to the Lake.

Waiting patiently.

We did go to a nice restaurant on Friday evening with some friends while we were in their "neck of the woods." Mariko was on her best behavior and we heard several people say on the way out "I didn't even know there was a dog in here." What an awesome puppy you are Mariko, even if you are a goof sometimes!

Mariko is so funny in the mnotorhome. There isn't a lot of room (since her kennel takes up most of the space and Ginger and Bailey are already queens of the rig. This is where Mariko decided she would spend her "relaxing" time. I have no idea how she got under there (or what she found while she was there), but oh my, she did make us laugh.

Hello :-)

She also thought she could get on the couch, cause, really, we're not home, we're in the motorhome, and there's no room on the floor. Oh yes, after the picture she did get on the floor and there she stayed for the remainder of the trip.

Um, NO!

We still took time for grooming while away, and after nail clipping she was so relaxed that I didn't have the heart to make her get up (well, until my legs went to sleep that is).

Small slice of heaven.

The weather was incredibly beautiful, so we took advantage of as much time outside soaking up the sun as we could.

Happy girls

On the ride home Bailey and Mariko decided they needed to help Joe and navigate the way.

Silly puppies!

The end of the day found three tired dogs. Mariko really makes me laugh at how she sleeps. She's even upside down in her kennel as well.
Goofy girl.