Monday, February 25, 2013

What a Lazy Puppy

Bailey and I ran a two day agility trial this weekend, so I must admit that Mariko was a little ignored for a couple of days . . . yea, right. She spent the weekend with Karlee and was forced to watch 101 Dalmations (which Karlee said she loved) and do girl stuff all weekend. This was the scene in my office today when Karlee stopped by to say hi for a minute:

Such a tough life for a "working girl" in training.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

End of the Day Meeting are Boring

Yesterday, we had a 3:30 meeting (we usually leave work at 4:00). The meeting ran a little long :-( Mariko decided it was more fun to watch the presenter upside down. What a goofy girl.

Oh my, what can I say except that she continuous to make us laugh!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fun Weekend with a Crazy Puppy

We had a fun weekend this weekend, Saturday was obedience training, a CRAZY trip to Sam's Club (note to self: DON'T go to Sam's Club on a Saturday afternoon), Sunday was a day of lounging and laundry.

Saturday after we got home from obedience and errand running, I took a minute to sit down before starting dinner. This was what I found at my feet :-)

Oh, how we do love this puppy!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Such a Goofy Girl

Not quite sure what she is thinking, but today, even though I have a blanket over the spaghetti, she decided to move the blanket and curl up close and personal. And oh yes, she was snoring.

Oh my!

Monday, February 4, 2013

What a Fun Week

We were back to work last week and actually managed to work the entire week without a day off. The week was pretty routine, even meetingless (which always makes me happy).

With Sunday being Superbowl, I needed to pick up a few things for snacking during the game. Unfortunately, the only time for me to do this was Friday afternoon/evening at Sam's Club. Oh my! What a zoo. Bless Mariko's heart, she hung right in there and was perfect, but I did see a couple of side-ways glances at me with her quietly telling me "what, are you crazy bringing us into this zoo?' I was pretty proud of how perfect she was.

Saturday we headed to Petsmart obedience at noon. I had both Mariko and Bailey, so the trainer worked with Mariko a bit, which was nice to have someone else training with her. After class we "let the labs go" in the training area (there are three labs/labxs in class), all with balls in their mouths, for a little bit of play. They had a blast!

From there I loaded both dogs into the car and headed south for agility classes. Bailey's class is from 3-4 p.m. and then I had to kill time until 7 p.m. for Mariko's class. (I need to come up with a different plan next week, I about froze my legs off waiting in the car :-( )

It was really fun to learn a different way to start training a puppy in agility. Mariko was just flat out amazing. We are trying to catch up (three of us) to a couple of other handlers that started the first of January. For the first class the dogs learned "target" (which for Mariko is an advanced command and we cannot use so . . . Mariko is learning "hit"). This command is used to make sure the dogs have at least two feet on the contact spot of an obstacle. The next lesson was a "right here" command to tell the dog which side/where you want them to come to when they are coming off/out of an obstacle. Again "here" is a command for something else for Mariko so we are going to use "with me" to que her. From there we learned "ready, steady . . . . go" (so wish I would have learned this with Bailey). This is a starting line command where you have your dog in a starting line stay, but you're getting them really excited and ready to take off  (literally). Since Mariko needs to be "released" from a command, we use "ready, steady . . . . release" and look out, she is on a dead run :-)
Lastly, for this class, we learned tunnel. Needless to say, there was no training involved for Mariko here, I just have to figure out how in the world I can get to where I need to be before she comes out of that tunnel because she is flying :-) (oh, to be young again).

We had a little over an hour drive to get home, and even with both dogs in the back of the car in their kennels, resting, this was where I found them about 10 minutes after we arrived home :-)

Tired, tired puppy.

Lights are on, puppy is out.

We had so much fun! I can't wait to see what she learns next week.