Sunday, July 1, 2012

Already 7 Months Old

Oh my, where does the time go. I can't believe our silly puppy is already 7 months old. She is tipping the scales at 50 pounds and really behaving remarkably well in public.

We had an opportunity last Thursday to attend an outing with many of the puppy raisers from the Ogden area. We visited the Ogden Nature Center for this event. We walked through the Center after hours so that the dogs were able to experience a lot of different smells, sounds, and surfaces (and of course, a lot of other CCI puppies in training). Mariko even got to be with Lucy (who of course, next to Bailey, is her BEST buddy).

We have really been practicing bed with duration and distance. She has been doing very well (as long as we don't add distraction). She is really good under my desk at work, and we even practiced in the locker room early mornings this last week after my workouts. I did find that if she was in front of the mirror so that she could also practice "I'm so cute," she did really well.

Do I look good or what :-)

Practicing bed.

It has also turned out pretty hot, so we decided to provide her with an fun way to cool down.

Watching Katie's feet.

Playing with the markings on the bottom of the pool.

End result of playing in the pool, LOL

We had a great week and are excited to begin a new one. I just hope life slows down a bit. This next week will present a new challenge, as it is the Fourth of July and I'm confident there will be lots of new sounds. She has done very well in the past with new experiences, but I plan to have some extra treats around just in case she shows any signs of nervousness (and, of course, there will be balls to chase).

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